The Undergraduate Program in Economic Informatics ensures the training for: analysis, design and implementation of information systems in enterprises; utilization and configuration of software packages with application in economy; development and introduction of the applied software; research and application of the new computer science technologies; computer programming skills.
As good analysts, good specialists in the latest technique, able to understand and analyze the problems of management, the graduates should be able to offer solutions at the level of the latest achievements in the field, in closed connection with the goals, organization and possibilities of the enterprise.
What you will learn ?

Programming and Software Development:
Information Technology Basics; Programming Basics; Evolutive Programming and Genetic Algorithms; Computer Operating Systems; Object-Oriented Programming; Java Programming; Data Structures; Web Technologies; Computer Networks; Windows Applications Programming; Multimedia; Mobile Devices and Applications;
Databases Fundamentals; Oracle DBMS;
Use of software packages:
Office Professional Software; Software Packages;
Informatics Systems Analysis and Design:
Design of Informatics Systems; Economic Information Systems; Mobile Devices and Applications; Windows Applications Programming;
Analysis and Modeling:
Basics of Operational Research; Basics of Statistics; Macroeconomic Statistics; Quantitative Microeconomics; Quantitative Macroeconomics; Data Analysis; Econometrics; Operational Research; Economic Systems Cybernetics; Time Series;
Economics & Math:
Economics; Algebra; Marketing; Accounting; Mathematical Analysis; Probability and Mathematical Statistics; Management; Finance; Sociology; Theory of Law;
Where you will practice ?
In 2013, our practice partners are internationally renowned companies in the IT, banking and economic/financial analysis:

For what jobs you will be prepared ?
Through its educational plans, the undergraduate program in Economic Informatics provides to its graduates skills compatible with the following qualifications from Coding of occupations in Romania:
Group 214 – Engineers, including the job of informatics research assistant (214918).
Group 251 – Analysts programmers in software, including the following subgroups:
- 2511 – System analysts: informatics systems designer (251101);
- 2512 – Software designers: Analyst (251201), Programmer (251202), System engineer in informatics (251203), Informatics system programmer (251204), Software system engineer (251205), IT project manager (251206);
- 2513 – Web systems and multimedia designers: Specialist in e-business (251301), Specialist e-media (251303), Specialist in e-governance (251302);
- 2514 – Applications developers: Specialist in computer aided design (251401);
- 2519 – Analysts programmers in software, not classified in previous basic groups: Informatics consultants (251901).
Group 252 – Specialists in databases and computer networks, including the following subgroups:
- 2521 – Designers and database administrators: Database administrators (252101);
- 2523 – Specialists in computer networks: Computer network administrator (252301);
Group 235 – Other professionals in education, including e-learning developer job (235905). Trained specialists are able to: conceive, design, develop, test, implement and develop informatics systems and computer programs in various activity fields, in accordance with the informatization requirements and options.
Possible professional careers
Graduates of the undergraduate program in Economic Informatics can work in companies and organizations from almost all activity fields, applying for jobs in the following categories:
- Analyst-designer of business information systems;
- Consultancy in design and development of informatics applications and products in the field of economics and business;
- Highly qualified specialist in quality assurance of informatics products and systems (Quality Assurance);
- Design and management staff in the ERP field;
- The use of advanced programming environments in economic and business applications;
- The use of CASE tools in economic and business applications;
- Development and management of databases and data warehouses;
- Database administrator;
- Designer of distributed systems;
- Conceiving, designing and implementing e-business;
- Manager in IT projects;
- IT&C security consultant;
- Information systems auditor;
- Specialist economist with specific skills in using tools provided by IT&C.
What skills you will acquire ?
C1 Using the concepts, theories, principles and methods for investigating the economic phenomena and processes
- C1.1 Recognizing and describing the concepts, theories, principles and methods for investigating the economic phenomena and processes
- C1.2 Explaining and interpreting specific requirements for investigating the economic phenomena and processes
- C1.3 Using concepts, theories and economic methods for investigating and / or solving problems in an organization
- C1.4 Comparative analysis of the economical solutions for solving the problems within an organization
- C1.5 Developing and informatics structuring of alternatives to solve problems in organization
C2 Effective using of the computing and operating systems and Internet resources
- C2.1 Identifying the resources and performances of the computer systems, operating system and Internet functions
- C2.2 Explaining the classes of problems using reusable procedures for accessing informatics resources
- C2.3 Using networking workstations facilities to communicate, to inform and access online applications
- C2.4 Continuous updating of the resources in order to work with the latest IT – Information Technology platforms
- C2.5 Developing in teams effective solutions for systems configuration and management, communication and selection of work procedures
C3 Appropriate using of the office software to solve specific problems
- C3.1 Identification and description of the processing functions provided by office software and necessary for solving problems
- C3.2 Explaining and comparing software products for office for achieving the most efficient solution according to a defined set of performance criteria
- C3.3 Choosing options for entering and storing data and performing operations in the context of an efficient management of documents
- C3.4 Analyzing and evaluating the quality of solutions obtained by using office software
- C3.5 Implementing reusable and integrable solutions for information systems
C4 Development of software components using data structures, algorithms, techniques and modern programming languages
- C4.1 Defining requirements for covering the stages of the development cycle to achieve high performance software components by using modern technologies
- C4.2 Explaining data structures, instructions and classes of problems to build software components integrable in complex software systems
- C4.3 Solving well-defined economic problems by applying procedures that can be integrated in complex software system
- C4.4 Update programming languages, techniques and methods so that the software components designed to reflect the state of IT&C development
- C4.5 Developing specific activities in software development life-cycle, following the quantitative, qualitative and efficiency aspects
C5 Developing computer applications using databases, multimedia resources and client-server/web-service technologies
- C5.1 Recognition of the applications types that require working with databases, multimedia resources and client-server technologies to develop components integrable in computer systems
- C5.2 Explaining and interpreting the fundamental terms in the areas of databases, online and multimedia applications for the analysis, design and implementation of components for complex processing of the large data volumes
- C5.3 Implementing and analyzing flexible solutions to obtain selections and reports for all management levels of the organization
- C5.4 Using and critical evaluating tools used to develop database, client-server, and multimedia applications needed to management resources in the organization
- C5.5 Highlighting through research and analysis the impact of using the databases management systems, multimedia resources and client-server technologies considering the optimization of resources, processes and efficiency
C6 Updating the information systems / computer systems and ERP applications
- C6.1 Defining the requirements and features to update the information systems / computer systems in an organization
- C6.2 Explaining and interpreting the requirements to design and develope new information systems / computer systems
- C6.3 Using economic concepts in solving problems by developing new information subsystems / informatic systems in organization
- C6.4 Using and evaluating the methods of analysis and design for information systems development / informatics systems after established criteria
- C6.5 Developing specifications for the design and implementation of information system components